FuzeVD - Video Downloader
Input a Youtube (and sometimes other sites!) URL and download into a format of your choice.
Includes FuzeVD-updater (click for more details)
Youtube sometimes pushes updates that break video downloaders, so if a download is not working then you should check for updates; a patch may have been rolled out. Fuze.page's repositories sometimes don't have the latest version of the underlying library, yt-dlp, so an "external update yt-dlp" button was added which uses yt-dlp's built-in updater. Note that FuzeVD-updater will still show the last version that was downloaded from Fuze.page.
Windows installer
FuzeVD uses the libraries
yt-dlp and
ffmpeg. This is just a GUI wrapper for yt-dlp so for complex operations you can use the included exe, but you will need to learn some commands.
This program was made in Visual Basic .NET. I might eventually rewrite FuzeVD using a different toolkit, most likely the QT framework, since i found .NET 6 too buggy to work with. FuzeVD is on .NET Framework 4.7.2 which is good however staying on such an old framework for too long might lead to problems down the road.