
Fuze Game

A javascript browser game, complete with levels, enemy AI, and weapons. I built it to be modular and easily customisable.

The player, all weapons, and projectiles are stored in objects called "sprites". The sprite properties are stored in JSON files which contain properties such as health, speed, and damage. Textures are stored separately in txt files.

The renderer reads the cached textures, including that of the level, and displays them on the screen.


A javascript library facilitating the creation of HTML documents split into A4 pages. Content can be added to designated headers and footers, including page numbering.

Open the demo


This project is shelved. No download is available at this time.

FuzeVD downloads any Youtube video into a format of your choice.
Contains a built-in updater, so you won't need to reinstall to get the latest features.
The installer includes the libraries yt-dlp and ffmpeg.
Screenshot of the Fuze Video Downloader

Fuze Tables

Pure javascript library that lists JSON data in a table, with sortable and searchable columns. Under 500 lines of code!

page artwork